Sunday, November 30, 2008

Truth, Not Wahhabism Committee (TUNOWA) of SE Michigan

Resolution Concerning the Misguided policies of the Unity Center
"In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful"

Whereas, MUC is no longer inclusive, diverse or welcoming; judging and grading other Muslims have become standard behavior. Clan, ethnicity, status, and bank accounts are the new measures of worth.
Whereas, MUC is no longer universal; sectarian behavior, judgmental attitudes, and gender inequality are thriving. Women who do not cover their hair have become the favorite target of the obsessed zealots.
Whereas, MUC no longer collaborates with other organizations to serve humanity; relevance to the lives of our community is diminishing.
Whereas, MUC no longer respects the family; forced gender segregation in social functions is the norm. The Unity center is turning into a Salafi-Wahhabi mosque that caters to the extremist sector within the Muslim Community. The extremists have taken full control of the MUC and have hijacked our Islam.
Be it resolved that the MUC is no longer an Islamic center. It has become a Masjid al-Dhirar. Muslims should distance themselves from the political, tribal, and sectarian behavior of the center.
Be it further resolved that supporting the MUC in anyway is haram. Any financial or material support will further the cause of extremism and not Islam. All individuals, foundations, and businesses should cease their support to the MUC immediately.
THEREFORE, TUNOWA will monitor and make public any support given to the MUC, until the leadership return to the path of righteousness, goodness, and true service to the community.
The TUNOWA will use all available peaceful, moral, and legal tools to expose misrepresentations and false claims. We will collaborate with sister organizations and law-abiding citizens to inform and educate our community and the public about Islam.

Truth, Not Wahhabism Committee (TUNOWA) of SE Michigan

Resolution Concerning the Misguided policies of the Unity Center
"In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful"

Whereas, MUC is no longer inclusive, diverse or welcoming; judging and grading other Muslims have become standard behavior. Clan, ethnicity, status, and bank accounts are the new measures of worth.
Whereas, MUC is no longer universal; sectarian behavior, judgmental attitudes, and gender inequality are thriving. Women who do not cover their hair have become the favorite target of the obsessed zealots.
Whereas, MUC no longer collaborates with other organizations to serve humanity; relevance to the lives of our community is diminishing.
Whereas, MUC no longer respects the family; forced gender segregation in social functions is the norm. The Unity center is turning into a Salafi-Wahhabi mosque that caters to the extremist sector within the Muslim Community. The extremists have taken full control of the MUC and have hijacked our Islam.
Be it resolved that the MUC is no longer an Islamic center. It has become a Masjid al-Dhirar. Muslims should distance themselves from the political, tribal, and sectarian behavior of the center.
Be it further resolved that supporting the MUC in anyway is haram. Any financial or material support will further the cause of extremism and not Islam. All individuals, foundations, and businesses should cease their support to the MUC immediately.
THEREFORE, TUNOWA will monitor and make public any support given to the MUC, until the leadership return to the path of righteousness, goodness, and true service to the community.
The TUNOWA will use all available peaceful, moral, and legal tools to expose misrepresentations and false claims. We will collaborate with sister organizations and law-abiding citizens to inform and educate our community and the public about Islam.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

May Soon

The challenges at the Unity Center as described by the angry debate between two old protagonists, neither is revealing all they know about each other....

Episode 3

Abu Ibrahim

You never learn. A destructive, impulsive and arrogant.
Shame on you.
Fear Allah

Episode 2- His rant

Correction, you misspelled your last name, it is the Kazzab!!, actually it could be Kassb "Butcher", You are not only Kazzab, you are a Butcher for ethics, morality, good will, courage.... and community, just a starter!!

If I am what you have mentioned, and if all the people you mentioned are radical terrorists who destroyed, pocketed, banked, benefited ...!!! What are you fearing? Why don't you come forward?

You spineless gutless sack of filth and twisted minded creature??? I know who you are!!! You think you can through me off with your little misspellings!!! Go ahead email me back, I am enjoying the ride!!! It looks pretty dark and lonely "where you are", you sick minded with
Crohnes disease not only in your abdomen but in your mind too!!

Episode 1- The Complaint

Abu Ibrahim
I have been watching your evil doing for years and have put up with your nonsense. You are a destructive person when you were dangerous at franklin at the Unity Center and now at the Beverly Hills school. You were dangerous and evil 15 years ago and you still are. let me recount your evil achievements. You pushed out the shia brothers out of unity, pushed another guy out and then another one. You lobbied hard for a large expensive building to go with the Pasha family. You brought the Bedouins and extremists to destroy the Center. You brought the rich and filthy who have no morals, a man with no ethics, no morals and no conscience, your little nephew, Fahd, and your little relative cardiologist ; all as your own messengers and enforcers. You sold the trusteeship and the the Center. When two women did not go along with your evil ways, you pushed them out of the Board. The community still talks about how you pushed zubair out after he was voted in by changing the rules. You pushed the people who founded the Center. God will never forgive you for what you did to his wife; her tears will tell on you on the day of judgment. You talk about the future and being sick and tired of the old ways but you have become the master evil doer. You complained and accused others of playing with the books. The whole community is talking about how you are helping your own buddies cover up their deeds. Everyone knows that what they are connected with.

Shame on you, shame on you, shame on you. The families that have left the center will never forgive you and will line up on the day of judgment to tell about your evil deeds, your arrogance
and your power hungry friends. You re turning the unity center into a Club by supporting the radicals and the extremists take control of the masjid.

Could you tell me how many Islamic Centers do you intend to destroy? do you know why people are leaving the unity masjid..because of you and your arrogant family and friends.

My final duaa for you is to fear Allah in your own family and all your blessings. Allah doe not like the arrogant and the evil. Stop destrroying the Unity Center.Go out there and build your own masjid-, call it the Pasha mosque for you and your rich filthy friends in their BMWs and mansions on the lake. This is is not Islam ..I ask Allah to save us from you and your friends.

Fi Aman Allah
May Soon

Little Mosque in the suburbs

The story began in 1954 when 30 Palestinian-American families originally from Beitunia started their 1000-mile journey to build a mosque in the Southside of Chicago. The dream turned into a nightmare when extremists took over the mosque in 1982.

The Chicago Tribune conducted an investigation into the history of the mosque. I will copy a few excerpts: "Omar Najib, a former mosque attorney who once helped hard-liners take control of the mosque but now regrets what he did. “ I feel sorry," Najib said recently. "My faith has been hijacked by a few extremists.”

Moderate Muslims still pray at the mosque, but some say conservatives have created an environment that is overly political, too rigid in its interpretation of Islam and resistant to open debate. These members also worry that the Muslim Brotherhood, a controversial group with a violent past, has an undue influence over the mosque. Despite these concerns, the critics largely remain silent, fearful of being called "unIslamic" by mosque leaders

Another mosque in Quincy, Massachusetts had a similar struggle as the newly elected, extremist board pushed out the moderate imam and replaced him with Imam who was later arrested on immigration fraud charges. The case is still pending. The replacement of the moderate imam was the tipping point that divided the community, after 41 years of being a cohesive, pluralistic, strong, and multiethnic community.

This battle has been happening in America, Canada, and Australia for decades. Extremists take over Mosques and Islamic centers when they ripen. Sheikh Hisham Kabbani, a Sufi Cleric and the head of the Supreme Islamic Council of America has been warning about such possibility for almost two decades. His warnings proved to be extraordinarily prescient.

The story of extremist takeover is now being repeated in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. This is an affluent, diverse, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious community located among the northwest suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. The Muslim Unity Center has been touted as an inclusive, diverse, and welcoming mosque. This moderate center is heading rapidly into the extremist lane. The early signs are unmistakable, and clearly visible to the infrequent visitor. Some regulars may miss the gradual change, but is very apparent. There is an air of Puritanism. One member told me: it feels tense, less friendly; people do not greet you any more, it is really scary”. New imported members are replacing the original ones; the new comers have no affinity to the ideals of the center, some have extremist ideology; others are clearly living in the “old country” and have not made the mental transformation of being an American. I found that some members attempt to masquerade the rising Puritanism it, but it is hard to miss. The media is starting to notice and the buzz on the town is that this center is on its way to be another rigid outdated institution for the Old Guard.

The battle to take back Islam is at the heart of all of these struggles. A whole generation of Muslims have never known or lived moderate Islam. They have no frame of reference. Saudi-sponsored propaganda saturates their heads, either through books or through the teachings of their imams. It is the duty of all people of conscience to help the moderate Muslims everywhere, including at the Muslim Unity center to maintain moderation, balance and adherence to American Pluralism.

It is the duty of all people of conscience to help the moderate force in Bloomfield Hills stand up to the extremists. The future of Islam in America hinges on this battle.

Add your voice to the struggle for moderation

Tell the Leadership of the Unity Center to uphold the genuine Islamic values of inclusiveness, love, compassion, equality, and social engagement.

Save the Unity Center.

Unity Gate

The Hijacking of the Unity Center

A few weeks ago, there was a sandal at the Unity center after some trustees allegedly obtained obtained personal emails that were accessed by an alleged hacker. These emails were sent by an anonymous person. An email started circulating in the cyberspace describing the event.

We have been hearing rumors for a few days and these have increased today at the prayer. What we heard is that dr mahmoud al-had.. and ismail ...a have hired a hit man to hack into a computer network and obtain personal email information of an anonymous writer. What we hear is that they are now using this information to settle scores with a board member. We also hear that there is no direct link between the board member and the anonymous. The whole community knows the story in multiple versions but they all agree n one thing that board members allegedly ordered a cyber crime or they did not and are bluffing to get rid of someone. Since when does Islam allow breaking in and breaking the law? We also hear, and we hope that this is incorrect, is that sharif a... a respected lawyer is working with them using information obtained through an alleged felony. We plan to remain anonymous considering how evil and vicious some board members can be and how they can assassinate our character with their evil rumor spreading. We do not want to face the wrath of these people and their interest in character assassination. We are sick of feeling like we live in the shadow of these guys. This is our center. Mahmood and ismail and these people do not own it.

We ask you to request that a community meeting is held to answer these questions. If the unity center is involved in cyber crimes, we want nothing to do with this place. Please..

We are muslims, we should nlot break the law, we cannot afford to have our name attached to a crime. A lawyer should not sanitize criminally obtained information. This is unethical. The whole center may go down if we do not take a stand. The media will love this as another example of our bad behavior-hacking. Please save us from the destruction. This is our Watergate- UnityGate.

a large number of members